Textual Analysis of Selected Novels Writen by Nigerians Writers in the Diaspora

Selected Novels

To determine the this result as revealed above, five (5) novels – Americanah (2013) The Thing Around Your Neck (2009) by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie; Everything Good Will Come (2006) and A Bit of Difference (2012), News from Home (2012) by Sefi Atta, were selected were textually analyzed using Voyant-tools.

Results from the textual analysis of selected novels

It was discovered that Work (676); Home (513); Study- School (431); Race- Black(426)/ white (376); Money (329); Country- America (291)/ England (113); and Travel (112) was among the top keyword frequency count that was used by the selected writers. These keywords are synonyms of migration (relocating abroad) and the major reason why Nigerian writers travel to the global north.